The friendly staff at Basin Orthopedic Surgical Specialists welcomes your call, and we look forward to serving you. If you have any questions about our orthopedic services, please call our office at (432) 332-2663. To schedule an appointment, you can call us or use our secure online appointment request form.
Location & Phone
Basin Orthopedic Surgical Specialists
Phone: (432) 332-2663
Fax: (432) 335-8849 or (432) 337-0910
#1 Parks Legado Court
Odessa, Texas 79765

Our regular office hours are:
- Monday – Thursday, 8:15 am to 12 pm and 1:15 pm – 4:45 pm
- Friday, 8:30 am – 2 pm
In the event of a life-threatening medical emergency, call emergency medical services at 911 immediately. DO NOT WAIT!
If you have an urgent medical need and need to talk to our doctors after our regular hours, please call our office at (432) 332-2663. A doctor is on-call 24 hours a day. Your call will be returned promptly.
If your insurance is a managed care plan and you are required to obtain a referral from your primary care physician, the referral must be obtained before you can be seen for an office visit. Please coordinate this with your primary care physician in advance. Appointments will be rescheduled if required referrals are not received in the office by the time of your visit.
For prescription refills, please contact your pharmacy directly. If it is a prescription that requires doctor authorization, they will notify us of those requests. We are unable to provide authorization on weekends, holidays, or after hours.
It is helpful to anticipate your refill needs to avoid an interruption in your medication therapy.